
Saturday, December 28, 2013

2014 Year of the Horse -New Moon, New Year, Jump Start Belly Dance Class

A couple days ago, I found out 2014 is going to be the year of the horse- Year of the Wood Horse, to be exact. This explains why on Tuesday, the card with the Horse Goddess was drawn along with the Star, which is about making optimistic long term plans!! There will be a new Moon on New Year's day this year. New Moons are about setting intentions and traditionally we set new intentions with "resolutions " on new years day. If ever there were a time to set a new intention and have it really stick, this is it.

The year of the wood horse is marked by speed, wild abandon, luck, following your gut, surprises, and rule bucking. Acting quickly and with decisiveness brings great rewards this year. According to this website- those was born under the sign of Horse, Tiger, Dog, or Sheep (or any of those in their 4 pillars) fair best this year. Those born under the sign of the Rat should be extra cautious.

My recommendation for exploring horse medicine makes extra sense now. So, if you are drawn to jewelry, images, books, and especially spending time with horses, follow those instincts. Find out what Horse has to teach you. Meditate on Horse and discover the messages he has for you.

If you would like a Tarot reading for the upcoming year, I offer a 12 card reading which highlights a card for each month. You can also get a general reading for the year with any of the spreads mentioned on this page. Remember, you do not have to schedule an appointment for my readings. You will get your answers quickly, which Horse appreciates. :-)

I'm looking towards the New Year with so much excitement!! I've decided to hold a small "jump start" class the 1st weekend in January. Saturday, January 4th, 2-3pm, I'm holding a class that will balance your chakras, raise your consciousness and bring awareness to your intentions. We will start with yoga and belly dance to balance the chakras, then I will guide you through a short meditation and journaling session. There is only room for 4 people to take advantage of this rare opportunity, so act quickly! The class will be held in my Mt. Lebanon home studio. The cost is only $20 a person. Send payment and register by clicking the button below or calling 304-276-DANCE.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Shiva Lingham Stone

How was your Christmas (if you celebrate)? Ours was really nice. We were pretty relaxed about it... At least I was. Because I usually have a teething baby attached to me, my husband took care of the wrapping and cooking. It was just us since we were unable to make it to my parents' house. Video calls were had with both sets of parents/grandparents, plus my sister and nephew. So, we got some face time, which was great. 

Normally, my husband and I do not buy each other gifts for Xmas. This year, my husband decided to break "the rules" and surprised me with this amazing set of healing crystals! 

The large one is a Shiva Lingum stone and is incredibly powerful. Before he gifted this to me, I hadn't seen nor known of these stones.  When I looked them up, I was blown away! They are only found in a sacred river in India- the Narmada. Villagers polish them by hand and they are naturally egg shaped. They represent the unity of the masculine (phallic shape) and feminine (egg shape and the beautiful designs on the stone).  All chakras are charged and Kundalini energy is raised by these stones. They help to break up old patterns to make way for new ones and further inner transformation. The first 3 chakras are especially affected by this stone and therefore increases energy and vital health. 

The 2 stones on the sides are "hyper stones" according to the man at the store where DH bought these. They are naturally heart shaped!! We both did some research, but haven't found any information on them yet. Perhaps meditation will reveal the properties. :) Do you know anything about them? I'm wondering if "hyper stone" is a pet name and there's a more official term for them. 

The double terminated tourmalated quartz was a special find. It helps you see the truth, stay grounded, clear your energy, heal after accidents and surgeries and helps heal scar tissue. At home and work, it allows you to let go of little resentments. The double terminated (points on both ends) property completes the energy flowing in and out of whomever is working with the crystal. 

The gorgeous amethyst cluster has such a deep color and reflects the light so beautifully. That deep purple will really amplify the all healing properties of the cluster. 

Blue tiger eye sits at the front. This was definitely on my "must get" list. Blue tiger eye helps with communication and balances the upper and lower chakras. It is calming and assists with relaxing when one is speaking publicly. 

I'm feeling very grateful and looking forward to working more with these stones. 

Another healing crystal bracelet is up in my Etsy store! Clear Quartz and Hill Tribe Silver. Clicking on the picture will take you to the listing. Please click the heart on the listing to favorite or buy if it calls to you. 

Have a great day and if you are spending time with friends and family, enjoy! 

Blessings to you, friends!!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Tarot Card Tuesday- Meaning of 9 of Summer/Cups and more

Nine of Summer (Nine of Water or Cups) from the Victorian Fairy Tarot by Lunaea Weatherstone 
Epona or Crystals from the Ascended Masters Oracle card deck by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.

Hello! Well, if you aren't already having a good day, then you'll be feeling pretty happy soon, because the card I drew from the Victorian Fairy Tarot deck for you is the Nine of Summer, also known as   9 of Cups in traditional Tarot. This suit is all about emotions and the 9's are about extremes, both positive and negative. In this case, the emotions are positive, because you get your wish! There are 2 "wish" cards in Tarot- this one and the Ace of Fire.  In the picture, the Fairy dances about with the fireflies exuberantly. Spearmint for virtue, moon flower for dreams and Fairy Flax for weaving dreams into reality surround her. Whatever you've been dreaming about and hoping for comes true. A couple of weeks ago, this deck told us to pay attention to our dreams with the moon card. Apparently, you did! This card often means your hopes for your love life are fulfilled. Today, I'm especially feeling that any career or life purpose wishes are fulfilled too.

For further clarification, I drew a card from the Ascended Masters oracle card: Epona, a fairy-Goddess of the Roman and Celtic cultures, is the Ascended Master on this card. She tells us today that working with crystals is beneficial to you. Carry or wear them throughout the day to help you heal, stay calm, and focus your intentions/dreams and desires. Epona is a horse Goddess. She protects them and has a strong connection to nature. In addition to connecting with and using crystals, you should also look into "horse medicine". How do you connect with them? Are you drawn to horse images, jewelry, or statues? Are you a "work horse"? This could be to your benefit and why you're about to get or are already getting your wish. Or, you may need to rest and let the higher realms do their work. Remember you are a co-creator of your world. Your thoughts and intentions are your part and higher realms take care of the rest. Keep up the positive thinking! :)

Knowing these weekly readings are for me as well as you, I know that making and selling my healing crystal jewelry has been on my mind and these cards make me very happy! It lets me know that it is part of my life's purpose (one of the meanings of the Epona/crystals card) to work with crystals. Today is one of those days it would have been great to have videoed myself drawing the cards so you could see my reaction- it was a very happy one! :D

Have wonderful holidays, my friends. Tomorrow our family celebrates Christmas with traditions both ancient and modern.  Whatever you celebrate this time of year, I wish you peace and joy.  Thursday I'll be back on here with another post.  Enjoy yourselves and be safe! <3

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Healing Crystal Jewelry Now Available!!

Well, I'm so excited to finally be able to announce that healing crystal jewelry is now available in my Etsy Shop!! It's been on my mind for a long time and now that I've turned some pieces out and listed them, I feel like I'm finally fulfilling something I've been called to do. All the pictures below link to the listings. 

All healing jewelry in my shop is charged with Reiki!  There will be more coming, so check back! :)

Currently, I'm offering free usps shipping in the 48 contiguous United States and can ship the same day if ordered by noon.  If ordered after noon, I may get to it that day or it may be the next day. Either way, they will go out quickly. If you are in or near Pittsburgh, we can make arrangements for you to pick up.  Even if you don't buy today (though, you'll be happy if you do), please favorite the items, my shop, and share both.  :) <3

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!


Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Tarot Card Tuesday- The Wheel (Meaning of and more)

"The Wheel" from the Angel Tarot deck by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine

Hello Folks!

Your card for Tarot card Tuesday is "The Wheel".  This card means that a situation is suddenly moving forward. When I see this card, I actually see the wheel rolling away from its current position. Perhaps there was some work to be done in that place or you were stuck, but now things are changing in a positive fashion. Keeping in mind that with all change comes adjustment, I'm reminded of last week's reading in which there were some deep emotions coming forth to be released. The full moon is tonight- a traditional time of release- so, this tells me that those feelings are moving on and you are letting go.  Congratulations!! This allows you to live more joyously and freely! Remember that this change is ultimately for your highest good.

This card also indicates a twist of fate, so something unexpected may come up in the next week. This feels especially true of family situations, so stay grounded with some deep breathing and smokey quartz or other healing crystals.  Again, keep in mind that this is forward movement and the work you do is for your spiritual benefit.

Archangel Michael is the strong and protective Archangel who knows our destiny and Life's Purpose. He is with us through all changes in life. Just call upon him for assistance! Remember that we have free will, so the Angels cannot help us unless we ask.

If you would like some distant Reiki to help with balance and stress relief, see my Healing with Reiki page.


Wednesday, December 11, 2013

11 Steps to a more Peaceful life

1. Regular meditation- There are many free online guided meditations. Do a search on YouTube or Beliefnet. A simple five minute meditation in which you observe the breath will do wonders.  Deepak Chopra's Soul of Healing Meditation cd/audio download is probably the best one I've done. Even if you cannot do the whole CD, then try just the breathing awareness part. It is short and will make you get big difference. You can build up to doing the whole meditation. You will feel amazing afterwards! Amethyst is a great healing stone and Frankincense, sandalwood, and lavender are great essential oils for meditation. Reiki is an amazingly relaxing way to reach a state similar to meditation and is excellent for those who have trouble finding peace on their own. 

2. Yoga Asanas- regular exercise of any kind will help you burn away stress hormones, but yoga asanas (positions) are based on ancient wisdom that yoke together mind, body, and spirit. 

3. Positive thinking- Even if you do not believe in or aren't sure about the Law of Attraction, do a little experiment: Try spending five minutes only thinking negative thoughts. Then spend five minutes thinking only positive thoughts. See which one feels more peaceful. Books to read: "The Happiness Makeover", "Easier Than You Think Because Life Doesn't Have to be So Hard".  Call upon Archangel Jophiel to help beautify your thoughts. Flower essences help one think positively.

4. Removing toxins from your life- Ridding yourself of toxic substances, cleaning and body care products, pesticides (both ones you use and ones your food was grown with), and especially relationships will give you the freedom to be who you really are. A great book to read:"Detox for Life"by Josephine Collins Clear crystal quartz purifies body and soul.

5. Expressing yourself creatively- This idea is not based on something you feel you would be good at. Though being good at something may add to your satisfaction, just the process of creating a song, dance, painting, beautiful meal, or knitting a sweater will tap into your Divine nature. We are all of the same source, which is naturally creative. Belly Dance is an excellent way to be creatively expressive! A good book to start with his SARK's "New Creative Companion." Many also like "the Artists Way ".

6. Find your Life's Purpose- A reading by me is one way to go about this. 

7. Forgive- "Unconditional Forgiveness" Is a great book for this step. Holding on to anger, resentment, and pain only gives another person or situation power in your life. Forgiveness is not about saying what happened was okay, but that you will not give it space in your heart any longer. 

8. Keep a gratitude journal

9. Let go- "The Little Book of Letting Go" really helped this Scorpio start to learn about this process... Let go of perfection, other people's expectations, old beliefs, and anything else that no longer serves you. Flower essences also really help with this process.

10. Love yourself first- really contemplate this idea, because you have probably heard it 1000 times. Until you actually do speak to yourself kindly, set boundaries, and do the things you enjoy because it is healing for you, the concept has not sunk in. Read "This I Know" for a beautiful account of a woman's road to self-love. Rose quartz helps one feel more self-love.

11. Connect with Source- This can be anything from spending time in nature or quiet contemplation, asking questions and speaking to the higher realms. Knowing we are fully supported and guided by loving beings removes the anxiety of feeling you have to do it all alone.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Tarot Card Tuesday- The Moon

It's Tarot card Tuesday again, and it seems you all are dreaming up something wonderful that will come to fruition soon! The Tarot card I pulled for you today is The Moon- one of the Major Arcana, which indicates a significant event. In this card from the Victorian Fairy Tarot deck by Lunaea Weatherstone, the fairy dreams under a full moon. The moon represents our subconscious, where dreams are generated by our higher selves and the higher realms. Dreams can be mysterious with their symbols and layered messages. We must use our inner vision as well as our outer vision to make sense of them. This fairy is open to all those mysteries and the unfolding of them, as you must be. Have patience, but you will not have to wait long, for the Fairy Oracle card card (from Magical Messages from the Fairies by Doreen Virtue) tells us that your dreams will come true in the winter months.  The first official day of winter is coming up soon on the Winter Solstice- December 21st.  We celebrate the return of the light and hope for bright days ahead. Many holidays are celebrated during the last 2 weeks in December and you may be dreaming up gatherings with friends and family. With these 2 cards, I am sure you will find Empowering Astrology's update from yesterday as interesting as I do!!
 "Dreamy Moon in Pisces making a grand water trine to Jupiter and Saturn today. A grand trine is like a big triangle formation with three planets in the same element (water) forming the angles. The aspect will be fleeting, peaking around mid-day, but will be active well into the evening EST. This aspect will be perfect for creative visioning and anchoring inspiration into the physical. So what big idea do you have? How can you use the magic of today to make it real?"

What are your dreams telling you? What do you need to pay attention to? I'm sure that the grand water trine spurred some interesting night time travels for you. If you are having trouble remembering any dreams, spend some time in meditation and ask for some insight on what your subconscious has been attempting to make you aware of. 

If you would like a dream interpretation reading, see the description on my Tarot Readings page. 

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Galena for Soul Retrieval and Past Life Recall

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

How to Find Your Soul's Unique Purpose

We are all here to learn, grow, experience joy, inspire and help each other, release, and forgive. Beyond that, we each have a unique configuration of experiences, talents, and interests that make our Soul Mission different than everyone else's. If the Universe did not have a need to experience itself as thhe exact way that you are, then you would not exist. Your purpose may change - there are large and small themes. There are many purposes you have that play out simultaneously. How do you find out what your individual purpose is this lifetime? You can go about it in any and all of the following ways:

1. A Life Purpose reading by me.
2. Meditation- ask and listen
3. Past Life Regression- try this CD by Doreen Virtue and/or this book and CD (both CD's are available as audio downloads)
4. An Astrology/Natal chart consultation with an astrologist who looks at the Soul's Journey.

While I've done all of the above, my most recent experience was with #4- an astrology chart consultation with Katie of Empowering Astrology. I've been following Katie on Facebook for a bit and her method of looking where the Soul has been and themes that are played out in this lifetime was intriguing and appealing to me. What Karma do I have to clear in this lifetime?

Well, I found out a good bit about that and more in our one hour consultation. While Katie is clearly an expert Astrologist and I'm enthusiastic and have a lot to learn (because, wow, is there a lot to learn), I was able to follow her and get a lot of information about what to pay attention to in my Soul's work. (She also provides an audio recording, so you can go back and listen for further insight.) Previously, I mentioned that she saw that my connection to the other side is extremely powerful and direct because I've already been the Shaman in so many lifetimes. When I mentioned Tarot and Reiki, she was sure to point out that I really need to own my power because Tarot is just barely scratching the surface and Reiki is a bridge to something deeper.

By looking at the chart and using her intuition, she was able to see themes of the trials I've been through. The timelines she gave me for certain events that I have felt would happen lined up. She was able to explain why each January 1st was a trigger for me and see key people in my life who provide opposition. In a big way, it was a big validating relief that it was all marked out in the chart for my life plan and it wasn't just me imagining things or getting into messy situations on my own. She was able to confirm that it is my purpose at this time to teach people to heal themselves.

The sessions (we broke it into 2 half hour sessions because that worked better for me) have led me to look more into Shamanism. When she mentioned me being a Shaman in past lifetimes, I heard Native American singing (I know I was a Shawnee medicine man and was Cherokee in the 500's) and saw a scene of that life as a Shawnee medicine man. Through my Tarot/Oracle card readings, I do already contact the higher realms and deliver messages and advice for healing. Apparently, I'm already working in dreams to help people as well. So, I'm interested to see how this all develops. I am so grateful for this life.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Tarot Card Tuesday- High Priestess and 6 of Water/Cups

It is Tuesday, so it's time to talk about what Tarot card(s) are relevant for you this week! As I was shuffling the deck, the 6 of water (traditionally called the 6 of cups) popped out of the deck. Since you always pay attention to those enthusiastic cards that "jump" out, I put it aside to go with whatever card I pulled. When I asked for a card that would apply to my readers today (and this is you, even if you've never been here before), The High Priestess came up. In the Angel Tarot deck by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine, the High Priestess is represented by Archangel Haniel, the feminine Goddess-like Archangel who helps us tune into our intuition. So, for further detail and clarification, I pulled a card from the Goddess Guidance Oracle cards (by Doreen Virtue) and Artemis came up, which is really amazing (but not surprising ;) ) because in traditional Tarot, the High Priestess represents Artemis! (And Isis and Persephone. In the Goddess Oracle card deck, Dana, the Celtic Mother Goddess is named High Priestess.) 

The 6 of Water/Cups represents memories from the past coming to the surface (you can see the little merboy, who happens to look a lot like my son, a double Pisces, keeping his head above the surface). Often they are memories from childhood or ones that affect children. It can represent nostalgia, the innocence of childhood/lack of guilt or wishing for a break from adult responsibilities, especially emotional ones.   The memories have surfaced for a reason that affects your present life.  

The High Priestess represents an urge from the higher realms to pay attention to and follow our intuition, our subconscious, and the mysteries of the Universe. In traditional Tarot, there is a thin veil between two towers representing the division between the conscious and subconscious minds. In this deck, there is no veil, and her tome is open, which represents the lifting of the veil and that the knowledge of the Universe is is ours for the taking. The shift in consciousness that occurred in 2012 is the reason for this updated version of the card. Our dreams are generated from our subconscious, so in addition to our gut feelings or listening to our heart, our night time messages have much to tell us. 

The message from the Artemis card is that she and the Angels are our protectors, so we have no need to fear. Her bow and arrow are a talisman, for she does not have need to use them to harm anyone. Artemis prefers to spend her time in the forest amongst the animals. Spending time in nature connects us to our true natures and our intuition. 

This weekend, the moon, Saturn, and Mercury were all in Scorpio, digging up subconscious memories and feelings from the past. They could be from this lifetime or others. Likely, the effects are still hanging around since the subconscious does not always give us a direct picture of the issue.

The overall message here is that subconscious memories from the past have surfaced, either in dreams or by unidentified funks. Our Spiritual protectors tell us that there is no need to fear. The past is the past and we only need to follow our intuition in order to resolve the issues. 

Interestingly, a friend told me yesterday that I appeared in a dream of hers with a High Priestess vibe and told her that she needed Gaia right now; that she would watch over her and help her feel grounded. She and her family are planning a big move, which comes with many feelings of not being rooted, no matter how exciting and wanted the changes are. So, in a way, I am the High Priestess here, directing you to pay attention to, and trust your intuition and calm your fears. 

One way to dissolve the emotions that surface from times like these is to sit in mindful meditation and pay attention to the physical sensations created in the body. How does your  chest feel? Is it heavy? Is there darkness to the energy, as Scorpio's job so often calls for? Are there shots of adrenaline moving down your limbs? Are your palms sweaty?  All you need to do is notice and observe these sensations without judgement. Sit with the feelings and they dissipate on their own. You can also write down the memories or sensations on a piece of paper and then burn it (outside in a metal trashcan or in some other safe manner). Last night was the new moon- a time to set new intentions. You haven't missed the opportunity to do so, so you can also set the intention to acknowledge the feelings and sensations as they come up rather than stuff them down, cover them up, or dismissing them as unreal because you cannot initially explain them.  

Take a few minutes to write down your thoughts about this reading and how it may relate directly to you. If you care to share, leave a comment below.  If you have questions or would like clarification on this reading, either leave a comment below or email me at Narah (at) me (dot) com. You can also find me on Facebook under Narah Kimberly Arrington Minardi.  My Fan page is

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Tarot Reading Winner Announced

Beckajja wins the Tarot reading! Becka, please send me your email address (to Narah (at) me (dot) com) so we can discuss the details. :) Enjoy your weekend, folks!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Tarot Card Meanings and More

As promised, I am now going to tell you about my new Tarot deck and Oracle card Decks!  The card above is from The Victorian Fairy Tarot deck by Lunaea Weatherstone with artwork by Gary A. Lippincott.  It has been so magical delving into this deck and seeing the subtle differences in meanings of the cards, even though it is based on a traditional Rider-Waite Tarot deck.  Comparing it to the Angel Tarot deck I usually use has been interesting as well, because it really demonstrates the personalities of each deck.  This one is based on Victorian Fairy Folklore and definitely has a more English countryside energy to it.  My DH got me this for my birthday, seeing that it was both Fairy and Tarot and therefore perfect for me. :) The Oracle Card decks now in my possession include the following (and I'll have more details on those in another post): 

Flower Spirit Cards by Melanie Eclaire
Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue
Life Purpose Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue 
Ascended Masters by Doreen Virtue
Angel Dream Interpretation by Doreen Virtue and Melissa Virtue
Magical Messages from the Fairies by Doreen Virtue
Magical Mermaid and Dolphin Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue
Magical Unicorns Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue (great for kids)
Talking to Heaven Mediumship Cards by Doreen Virtue

What I've decided to do for Tuesdays from now on is to pull a card from either this or my *Angel Tarot deck by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine for you. Yes, if you are reading this blog post right now, the above card has a message for you.  :) 

While shuffling, I asked the deck/my Angels/my Higher Self to tell me what my blog readers should know for the next week. In this deck, the Vicar represents the Heirophant in the traditional Rider Waite Tarot deck and the Unity card in the *Angel Tarot deck. In the picture, the fairies are gathered around and enjoying the Vicar's wisdom, which he delivers as a matter of truth, rather than the need to have his opinion reign over someone else's.  This card represents tradition and spiritual teaching and recommends that if you have some wisdom to offer someone else, to do it with humility and respect vs. in a dogmatic way. Sharing can build bridges through lore and spiritual customs.  When I first saw this card and noted the people gathered and enjoying each others' company around a central leader, I realized just how appropriate this card is for this week. In the U.S., many will celebrate the national  holiday of Thanksgiving, quite often with extended family. This is a tradition that many households in the U.S. observe. When people come together from different households and social groups, undoubtedly spiritual views will differ, even if slightly. If someone's opinion is loud and overbearing, feathers will get ruffled and emotions triggered. While it's important to speak your truth, be sure to view everyone through the lens of compassion. If you want to make a point, realize that you don't have to "win" an argument to prove you believe something. Living your truth is much more inspiring.  

It's worth mentioning that according to Empowering Astrology and, there is a conjunct between the moon and Mars with a sextile to Saturn in Scorpio, making us "go to war over the details". The moon in Virgo tends to make us emotionally geared to see the flaws and imperfections in others more readily.  The Sun is making a hard aspect to Jupiter, making us restless and discontent, trying to make more sense of life and to attach more meaning to our personal experiences. Emotions can be elevated, though a bit unstable. This combined with a big family gathering calls for caution and awareness. As mentioned above, you do not need to convince anyone else that your views are correct or the only way, only to hold true to yourself and share in a manner that reflects self-respect and offers food for thought if necessary. 

Something else I noticed was the sunlight hitting the the leaves in this autumn scene.  While in this area of the U.S., we currently have snow, the weather forecast calls for sun the day after Thanksgiving- something to definitely be thankful for. It also indicates that even if your family gathering ends up being emotionally unsettling, "the Sun will come out tomorrow". (Yes, the song just played in my head. :) )

Hopefully, you're presence and precaution will help smooth out any rough spots to make for a pleasant week!  

Now, the final bit of Tarot for this post is that I am giving away a free Tarot reading!! All you have to do is comment below and I will pick a random number. Be sure to check back Friday to see who won or be sure I can contact you via email or Facebook. Share with your friends!! :)

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Using Crystals for Holiday Stress

This week is the national holiday of Thanksgiving. Many people will be traveling, cooking for large numbers of people, and perhaps spending time with people who trigger you in ways that make you wish you'd just stayed home (or not invited so-and-so this year). As a way to combat the stress of the hectic happenings of the whole holiday season, try wearing some healing crystal jewelry or putting a few stones in your pocket. You don't have to do anything beyond that, but a little intention, such as asking the crystal(s) for help in whatever situations you encounter that may disrupt your inner peace. Also, remember that gratitude keeps you centered and joyful. has a short video about some of their favorite crystals for combatting Holiday stress. I've embedded it below. You can also read through my Healing with Crystals page to see which ones resonate with you. Your intuition (that from your highest self) always serves as your best guidance. Namaste and have a wonderful holiday season!

Monday, November 18, 2013

How to Clear Your Energy, Use Energetic Boundaries, and Why

The healing crystals above got a full moonlight and rain bath last night and now they are very happy!  They sat in the windowsill to get cleared by the sun and now they are charged and cleansed by the moon and rain. Some crystals, such as kyanite and citrine never need clearing and can clear other crystals by simply sitting near them. They transmute any negative energy the other crystals (and you) have picked up. Selenite and clear quartz are also excellent at clearing the energetic body and can clear other crystals as well. Some crystals, such as selenite, dissolve in water, so do not sit them out for a rain bath. This chart tells you more about cleansing crystals, as does my Healing with Crystals page.

If you missed the full moon last night, the next one is December 17th. This site gives dates for moon cycles. You can also likely check your wall calendar and make a note of it.  The full moon gives us a chance to release all that no longer serves us, such as stagnant and unforgiving emotions, fear, behavior patterns, false thoughts about yourself and others and even issues or vows from past lives. Though it may initially seem safe and comfortable to stay in old familiar patterns and continue reacting in the same way, doing so keeps you from growing and learning what your Soul came here to learn and fulfilling your Divine Life Purpose. Releasing what no longer serves a purpose leads to peace, joy, and freedom.  

Psychic debris may come from your own negative thoughts or the result of being around someone else who had so much negative energy [usually stemming from thoughts which lead to emotions] that it spilled over. Or perhaps you are like me and are an Empath and you feel others' emotions in your body as if they were your own. Letting go and releasing it gives you the freedom to make clear choices.  Carrying around the burden of negative energy saps your personal energy on all levels- physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. 

People, animals, objects, and spaces (including houses and cars) can benefit from energy clearing. You can do this by burning sage, sweetgrass, or incense; visualizing white light surrounding and filling the person, place, or thing; sending Reiki, and asking the Angels to clear the energy.  Archangel Michael can cut the cords of fear that attach you to others who have negative (fear-based) thoughts attachments to you.  All you need to do is mentally ask him to cut these cords and you will instantly feel lighter.  Do this and all energy clearing regularly as it is like brushing your teeth or washing your face daily.  The debris keeps building and not cleaning it away makes you feel tense and uncomfortable. Taking a sea salt bath will draw out negative energy and send it down the drain. I quickly shower after to make sure all traces are gone. 

To clear your own energy field, use selenite/clear quartz crystal to first move counter clockwise then clockwise below, in front of, and above the body at the 7 major chakra points. The energy flows out from the body, so you do not have to be right on the body. Then move the crystal up the arms and legs, up the entire front and back of the body and around the head. You can hold the intention that the negative energy will move out the window (even if it's closed, but if it's open all the better) to the trees, river, etc. in order to be transmuted. You can also do this for someone else, including your pets and children.

To clear the energy of a house, building or car, you can open the windows and send white light and/or Reiki to all the corners in a clockwise direction. Or, you can burn incense, sage, or sweetgrass and walk with it in a clockwise direction in each room. Say out loud or to yourself, "I clear all negative energy from this room in all directions of time and space." Hold the intention that you are protected from the negative energy that breaks up and it moves out of the window to the trees, river, etc. to be transmuted. When you have done this in all rooms, go to the lowest point in the house, sit on the floor with your eyes closed and hands palm up in your lap or on your knees. Visualize the energy of the space traveling through your body and traveling down to the center of the earth. Be still and attentive while the energy gathers the properties of the pure earth and then comes back up. When it comes back to your body, imagine it going through the top of your head and out and down to the 4 corners of the building. Now, the energy is clear and grounded. Do this at least once a season. After arguments or any time the energy feels stagnant, you can do a clearing (even a quick visualization helps) to start anew. 

Energy shielding helps one to avoid picking up so much negativity. Imagine white light (which embodies all colors) surrounding you, about a 6 feet all the way around. This is an all purpose light that helps with any sort of protection you may need. Blue is also very protective, especially if you are concerned about danger. Purple is the color of Divine connection and psychic activity, so is protective against psychic attack.  Hold the intention that these shields are permeable enough that love can enter, but negativity cannot enter. You can also ask your angels to protect you from negativity and to protect your open heart. You can also use any of these visualizations for your house, car, friends, or family. 

Also, we interact with many people online these days and the energy they put into the words they write can come through and affect us as well.  When someone is venting or seething negativity or even if they are complaining about being sick or having a bad day, I mentally say "No!" and visualize a protective wall of light in front of my screen to avoid taking on that negative energy.  If it was particularly bad, I will even "scrub" out the words through a visualization. 

A friend of mine recently asked for advice on how to protect a friendship with a man who was struggling with romantic feelings for her. He and his wife are currently having trouble in their relationship and she intuitively knew that he was seeking something from her that he was not currently getting from his partner. When I saw the situation in my mind's eye, and knew that ultimately what he was seeking was love, I remembered a story that Doreen Virtue told about a woman who was unloading very deep emotions onto Doreen and she surrounded the woman with pink light, thus giving the woman Universal love. This gave the woman what she needed and protected Doreen from taking that energy on. My guidance for this situation with my friend called for her to surround herself with pink light (self-love/Universal Love) and then white light (Universal protection). Then, I suggested she do the same for her friend and hold the intention that the love come from God/The Divine/The Universe.  The white light sealed in the love so that they could remain friends without blurring the lines.   

After giving her these directions, my friend realized that this was something she wanted to do always because when she is interacting with the public, people often mistake her love for all beings as somehow "just for them". This causes her to often shut down that love for protection, but then she doesn't feel happy.  So, she has decided to use this visualization to keep the love going, but not get stuck in someone else's confused attempts at getting love where it isn't appropriate or welcome. 

Use your intuition and guidance to come up with protective practices that suit your individual needs. Above all, your intention to come from love, loving yourself first, will serve you and anyone else you wish to serve best. 

Using these methods will lead to health and harmony, peacefulness, and more personal energy to use for yourself. I hope you found the information helpful. If you do, please share (with 
credits) freely. 


Saturday, November 16, 2013

Healing with Frankincense Essential Oil

After wandering around some healing herb, essential oil, and other healing modality blogs, I found this one, which I found extra interesting. Though I knew frankincense was very useful for meditation and that it made a great additive to home made deodorant, I did not realize it could be used for so many other ailments, including immune system support, scarring, and even plague!! It makes sense that it improves vision because it is good for the pineal gland, which is directly connected to physical vision and also inner vision or the 3rd eye.  Spiritual awareness is another benefit the above site mentions, which of course makes sense because it helps with meditation and helps with the 3rd eye. It is also good for many conditions that affect the brain, such as Parkinson's disease, brain injury, and coma and things the brain is responsible for, like memory.  Post partum depression and post miscarriage symptoms are both positively affected by using frankincense oil.  Check out the link above for a fuller list of conditions you can use it for and methods for using it. 

Hopefully, I will be on here more often this week. Many days were taken up lately because I am writing up materials for an online Reiki attunement course.  A test run is going on right now and I'm really looking forward to the results and getting the course available to the general public.  My guidance has directed me to teach healing methods and that this is one of the ways to do it.  Still to report are my newest Tarot and Oracle card decks, my astrology natal chart consultation, and many other exciting topics yet to make themselves known. 

 *Off to get out my frankincense oil* 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Allowing Joy and Love Through Art

All rights reserved.
This is a custom painting I commissioned by Chrishanthi Liaropoulou, aka ppinkydollsart on Etsy. Her work, which I'd been admiring for a while, is full of depth and emotion.  The sweet soulfulness of it really touches this Scorpio's heart. This art is something I will always treasure and am so grateful for having. Finding this artist and allowing myself this gift have given me a real lift. What a joy to have, especially in this time of "descending into darkness"- Sun in Scorpio, Mercery retrograde in Scorpio and I believe Saturn in Scorpio have stirred up dark emotions for all of us. As a Scorpio myself, I've felt it acutely. It has come with healthy release for me, especially after my natal chart consult, which began last night. More on that when the 2nd half is complete. Since the baby naps frequently, it was best to break it up into 2 half-hour segments. 

Hopefully you have been able to pull up and clear out deep seated emotions that are no longer serving you. Now is a wonderful opportunity to draw them out and set yourself free. There's no need to continue suffering with the old wounds, so instead of stuffing them back down or covering them up with food, alcohol or some other distraction, my wish for you is to expose these dark feelings to the light for healing. 

One hint that I will give from my astrological chart review is that I have been a Shaman over and over. While I knew I'd been a healer of various types, given psychic guidance, and done Reiki in past lives, apparently my direct connection to the other side is much more powerful than I realized and Tarot is only the beginning. My Reiki practice is a bridge to something much deeper. For me, this is worth digging deep and experiencing the darkness. For without darkness, what do we have to compare to the light?