
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Meaning of 8 of Cups and Queen of Swords + Your Reading for Tarot Card Tuesday

Queen of Air from Angel Tarot by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine
8 of Water from Angel Tarot by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine
Hello Friends! As I was doing my own reading this morning, I got the Queen of Air (Queen of Cups) … again. Until recently, I hadn't gotten this card for myself much, but now she is showing up a lot. Today, I got the message that I should use this card for Tarot card Tuesday. I also pulled another card to ask for clarification, and got the 8 of Water (Eight of Cups). Both cards have similar meanings, but that may not be totally obvious initially.

The Queen of Air (Swords) is an intelligent woman who is perceptive and not afraid to say exactly what is on her mind. If it's not working, she gets rid of it. She cuts out whatever does not serve her be it person, place, or thing. She is unattached, but not cold. She's a perfectionist, but not judgmental. Her nickname is "the Garage Sale Queen" because she's always clearing house. ;) When you get this card, it can refer to an actual person who is like this or just the need to cut things, people and situations loose. 

This suit is all about the workings of the mind and how you are thinking affects what you feel and do. When referring to a situation, it can mean actually clearing physical clutter (or needing to), which has an energetic and psychological weight, cleaning up your eating and drinking habits to clear out your body, ending relationships or leaving a job that is holding you back or otherwise not serving you, and/or getting rid of thoughts or old beliefs that limit you. This card asks you to make clear decisions by seeing through hidden agendas while keeping a sense of humor.

The 8 of Water (Cups) is about wanting to move on from a situation, be it a relationship, a job, or a project. You're ready to be done. You may have felt like it wasn't spiritually meaningful any more and moving forward will bring you growth. You are ready to leave the past behind; to say no to something so you can say yes to something else. This suit is all about emotions.

These 2 cards together say that in your heart and mind you are ready to get rid of what no longer serves your highest good (be it person, place, or thing) and move forward on your path towards a better life. Cut off what is weighing you down, clouding up your mind, and generally getting in the way of true happiness. De-clutter your home, body (your spiritual home), car/bike (another physical vehicle for your spirit), relationships, inbox, newsletters, Facebook groups… whatever takes up too much room in any way now. 

Mercury in Retrograde has us reviewing and revisiting the past, so as you do so, clearly there are things to cut out and move forward from. 

To sum up: Let Go! 

An affirmation: "I let go of what I don't need. The past is done and I am free!"

Remember that healing crystals, Reiki, Tarot, meditation, yoga asanas, and flower essences can help you transition from one phase of life to another without losing ground. You can let loose without loosing it. ;) 

My healing crystal jewelry store is now open! After selling some and finishing more, I was able to list 22 items!! This is Archangel Rafael's number and he is the archangel of healing! It is the Master Healer number and my intention for this jewelry making venture is to provide methods of healing for people. I didn't plan for there to be that number when I made the first batch of listings, but the Universe has wonderful ways of speaking to us.

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