
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Tarot Tuesday- Your Reading + meaning of 10 of Pentacles (Autumn) and Ascended Masters Oracle Card Health and Healing

10 of autumn (Pentacles) from Victorian Fairy Tarot by Weatherstone

Ascended Masters Oracle cards by Doreen Virtue

My baby girl, for whom I am so very grateful

Well, today really got away from me. We had our carpet cleaned- something that really needed done. This meant that I needed to keep the very mobile baby on my hip/in the sling more time than I might normally because the carpet was wet and no matter how many times I vacuum/inspect the floor on the tile/wooden floors, she has put more things into her mouth lately than I care to fish out.

The good thing about this is that I ultimately decided to go back to the Victorian Fairy Tarot deck and use an Ascended Masters Oracle card for more details and this is something a bit different than our usual readings for the last couple months.

Our first card is 10 of Autumn- a happy family full of gratitude. Material needs are met and those we love are close. We are very fortunate and are aware of that fact. The scene on the card is very much like a family gathering for Thanksgiving dinner. Life is cozy and warm.

The second card is Health and Healing from the Ascended Masters deck by Doreen Virtue. As I was shuffling, I called upon Archangel Raphael, which is not all that typical for me when I call for assistance in a reading. He is the Archangel of healing, travel, and Soul Mates. So, even though Hilarion is the face of this card, I can hear Archangel Raphael speaking through this card.

Though I always ask that the reading be for whomever reads the blog/fan page, I know that I am also one of the "readers" and my own story is very much a part of this reading today. Whatever you read into the cards for your own life is completely valid, and perhaps there is a bit of collective gratitude going on as well. If you've been getting updates from my fan page, you know I am taking part in the 100 Days of Happiness Challenge. While I often focus on gratitude and happiness, taking photos and reporting it on the internet has already turned my focus even more acutely toward finding moments, no matter how small, to be happy about. My baby girl's birthday is next week and though I've been so grateful to have her the whole time, the dramatic difference in what I feel now and what I felt a year ago regarding our birth experience has me feeling a great amount of healing and release. What I've learned about our past lives and what that meant in the way she needed to be born (emergency Cesarian) has me feeling very grateful to be alive, and to have her here alive and perfectly healthy. This gratitude has definitely led to health and healing on all levels- mind, body, spirit, and soul. Tonight is a full lunar eclipse in Libra (my moon and ascending sign), so deep soul memories are being brought up for healing. The cards make perfect sense and completely validate what I've experienced lately. To further validate what I saw in the cards, when I looked for the pictures of the cards, iPhoto showed me pictures from the last 12 months and photos from my baby's first days showed up and I zeroed in on them in heavenly enchantment.

How about you? How do these cards speak to you? Have you experienced healing or are you called to heal others? How are you feeling grateful for what you have?

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