
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Tarot Tuesday- Save the Drama for yo Mama (Earth)

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Tarot Tuesday- Thinking Positively!!

Tarot Tuesday!! This week's reading uses the Angel Tarot deck by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine and the Trust Your Vibes Oracle card deck by Sonya Choquette. 

The Star, a major arcana card (and therefore a significant life theme), tells us to have patience and look to the future with optimism. Archangel Jophiel is the one to call on for assistance in thinking beautiful thoughts to create your highest vibrational future. The Oracle card tells us to let go of old stories and stop re-creating the same pain and misery when running commentary in your head and when connecting to others. Re-examine what you tell yourself or others regarding finances, health, luck, and resources such as support and knowledge. What self-limiting statements are you making and where are these beliefs rooted? Is it a story that someone else told you and you chose to believe? Remember that you are limitless and only need to ask your Angels and Guides for assistance. Keep in mind that you are not a victim of circumstance, but rather are experiencing what you have drawn to you through the Law of Attraction or what your Soul set up prior to this lifetime in order for you to learn. If you are already changing the script in your head, know that this is a big thumbs up from the Universe and to keep up this healing work! We are all connected and by raising your vibration, you cause a ripple effect that goes out and heals the world.

If you would like an in-depth personal Tarot/Oracle card reading, see my Tarot link to purchase an email reading or send me a message here or via Facebook to arrange a telephone reading.  For extra help feeling good and thinking positively, consider some beautiful and beneficial healing crystal jewelry, such as this beautiful jasper and lotus charm bracelet.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Tarot Tuesday- Temporary Delays

Tarot Tuesday! The deck is The Victorian Fairy Tarot by Lunaea Weatherstone, artwork by Gary Lippincott. The 8 of Autumn (Pentacles) reversed. This card is about mastering a craft, being immersed in your studies, heart and soul, and truly enjoying your work. Work does not have to mean what you do to pay the bills. Since the card is reversed, this indicates that something may seem to be getting in the way of your studies or work, and this could lead to frustration. This delay is temporary, so take this time to rest and contemplate. What seems like a roadblock is often Divine Intervention.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Tarot Tuesday- A Leap of Faith Lies Ahead

It's time for your weekly reading (today through Monday)!  The cards are the Angel Tarot by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine.

In the past position, we have the 5 of Fire (5 of Wands), indicating drama, conflicting interests, and feeling stuck in the middle. Mercury has gone direct today (yay!), but was retrograde for a few weeks, making communication difficult and plans go awry. It also brings up people/patterns from the past. All of this can leave you feeling like you've been put through the wringer. However, it does all serve a purpose. There are lessons to review.

In the present position, we have Balance (Temperence)- a major arcana card that advices us to work with others in cooperation, to take time to contemplate and integrate the information we have collected, and to wait before forging ahead.  This calls for rest, and just as the name of the card suggests, balancing one's thoughts, emotions, and needs along with those of others. Your children, spouse, and family (including a chosen or work family) may have needs. Make sure that everyone, yourself included, gets what she/he needs. Archangel Zadkiel is on this card to remind us of our Divine heritage; that we have a calling (or 2, or…) in this life, but are also made in the Creators image and are worthy of care and attention. You have a unique and special role to fulfill and the world would not be the same without you.

In the future position, we have The Dreamer. This card represents the beginning of a journey; one that requires a leap of faith, knowing you are fully supported along that journey.  Though you may be traveling for the holiday this weekend (for those in the US, it is Independence Day on the 4th), this journey is more of a spiritual one, the beginning of a new adventure or chapter in your life. Archangel Metatron is the Archangel who watches over children and in this case, the inner child who is starting fresh. The unicorn on the card represents purity, innocence, and wisdom. Though it's a venture into the unknown, you carry with you lessons from the past.