
Sunday, September 1, 2013

Now it Really Begins- A Tarot Journey

Over the years, I have been drawn to Tarot and given myself, friends and family readings. A wonderful friend of mine gave me an amazing deck of oracle cards several years ago called "The Goddess Oracle Deck" by Doreen Virtue. This fellow Scorpio friend of mine, Terri, knows me so well and no one could have chosen a better gift for me. The cards are beautiful and give such glowing readings. The Goddesses "of the world" have called to me for so long. Here and there, I would day dream about how great it would be to read Tarot/Oracle cards "for real"... full time... to truly be a card reader. But, I quickly dismissed the idea for ego reasons and moved on. Then, I kept seeing 11:11, 4:44, etc on the clock. Because of one of the posts on Doreen Virtue's Facebook page, I eventually learned that seeing a lot of 1's meant to keep your thoughts positive because an energy gate has opened and your thoughts are manifesting more quickly than usual. Then, on another Facebook page, someone directed me and another poster to Joanne Sacred Scribes- a website that has a huge index of Angel numbers and what they mean. Once I looked up the numbers I had already seen, I started noticing them all over the place and it was as if bells and whistles were going off; I knew they were meant for me and were messages from the Angels. One particular message that kept repeating was, "your foundations are well set. Start a spiritually based practice or career." Because I have a very young baby, a 6 year old, a dog and am the primary care-giver, and had no intention of starting a new career, I thought,"Really? Now? How am I going to manage that?" But, I kept getting the message. And I kept seeing an ad for becoming a certified Angel Card Reader via classes by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine. Though I was interested, still I dismissed it. Even though my Angel messages kept saying, use your natural talents and interests to start a spiritually based career, I kept thinking that it must just somehow mean to continue caring for my family in a spiritual manner because _that_ is my job. My belly dance classes start again in the Fall, and that is pretty spiritual. It must mean to definitely keep teaching classes, right? After looking at the website for the classes at least 3 times, I finally decided to face the facts: the Universe was telling me to be a Tarot reader. After signing up for the Advanced Angel Card Readers class and started listening to the lessons, I was so inspired and just loved learning so much more about Tarot that I knew without a doubt that I am meant to do this. My homework was a joy- not work at all! And this particular deck- Angel Tarot- is the most beautiful and clear Tarot deck I've ever had. It is updated to provide answers without antiquated terminology and with gentle representations of the major arcana and the 4 suits. Angels, Fairies, Mermaids, Unicorns and Dragons deliver Divine messages. There are no violent or overly dramatic images. Any shadow side messages are delivered with the true intention of Tarot- to move you towards joy. In addition, this deck combines wonderfully with the Goddess Oracle cards and Doreen's Life Purpose oracle cards. As I give more readings to people I have not met before or to friends in a professional manner, I can feel such a strong connection to the spiritual realms. It is clear to me that the Angels have messages for people and I have been called to deliver them. It is quite remarkable and I feel so grateful and blessed to be able to do so. Though an in person reading is rare, my email readings have been profound and extremely well-recieved. People have gained peace, washed their souls clean with tears of revelation and changed their lives. I feel so honored that I was the channel for those messages. If you would like an email reading, which will be extremely detailed because as I write it up, I get even more insight and visions, there is no need to make an appointment! Usually, I can get back to you within 24 hours, but sometimes it may take a little longer, often, a little less. PayPal is my preferred method of payment, though I can also accept credit cards over the phone. $85 is the cost for your detailed reading. For PayPal payments, use the button below and state your question/situation you would like insight on in the comments section.